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Homemade German-style almond butter (Mandelmus)

February 13, 2011

Here I am again. Last time, I promised to post my recipe of my homemade German-style almond butter, so here it comes. But first of all, some of you may wonder what the difference between German and American almond butter is. According to what I’ve heard, US almond butter is  usually firm, solid and spreadable and the texture just resembles the one of peanut butter you know. Actually, I’ve never tasted American almond butter before so let me know if there is a mistake.

Now let’s have a look at the German version. To make it short, German almond butter, which is labeled as “Mandelmus”, has a totally different texture compared to its American counterpart whereas “Mus” is a term for something that is often mashed and rather liquid and so is “Mandelmus”. Due to its runny consistency it perfectly goes well in sauces, desserts or even  milkshakes. In fact, the only disadvantage I have to mention is that it is not very suitable as a spread, because it just doesn’t stick on the knife but rather flows down of it, so I had some problems when I tried to make a sandwich ^^ In that case I’d definitely prefer the firm version (although it’s not available here), but as a topping for porridge or so I would recommend “Mandelmus”.

German raw almond butter "Mandelmus"

Actually I’ve heard a lot about almond butter in the Internet and just out of curiosity, one day I decided to head to my local drugstore “dm” to look for it. In the picture, you can see my capture which was, to be honest, really expensive! I’ve never spent 7,99 € (about 10.82$) for a little 8 oz jar of a spread before o.O!

Although it’s totally overpriced, I still admit that the taste was nicely nutty though with a pinch of a light sweetness, so it didn’t take a long time and the jar was finished only in 1 week. After that delicious experience, I was really ambitious about making my own almond butter in order to save some money and after doing some researches on the Internet I found some German recipes which I changed a bit according to my taste.

The almond butter of the drugstore was actually raw almond butter, but in my recipe I roasted the almonds for a few minutes to get a toasted version which has bit more flavour for me. If you don’t like it to get a bit smoky, just skip that step.


Pre-chopped blanched almonds

By the way, in my recipe I used pre-chopped blanched almonds, but if you can’t get them, you just have to blend them about 5-10 mins longer in your food processor.



Ingredients: (makes about 6.7 oz)


300 grams pre-chopped blanched almonds

10 tbsp sunflower oil




non-stick frying pan

food processor




  1. Toast the pre-chopped almonds in a non-stick frying pan without any additional oil on highest heat for about 2 minutes (this optional).
  2. Then pour the almonds with the oil in the food processor and blend well for at least 10 mins until the texture is very smooth.
  3. If the almonds sometimes stick on the wall of your food processor, then turn it off and use a spatula to push the mixture down again.
  4. If you are finished pour the almond butter in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator.

My homemade German-style almond butter


All recipes are on Petitchef

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Joyce Lim permalink
    February 26, 2011 1:58 am

    Almonds are my favourite! I’ve been wanting to make almond butter for the longest time. Thanks for your post, which served as a reminder.

  2. Jacky permalink
    March 8, 2013 6:17 am


    Ich wollte am WE mal mandelmus selber machen und habe mir einige Almond Butter Rezepte angeguckt. Bin dann auf dein Rezept gestoßen…. Ich weiß nich wann du den Artikel geschrieben hast und ob du das was ich jetz sage schon weißt… Aber egal 🙂
    Also das Mandelmus von DM finde ich nicht so gut… Wir haben immer das von Rapunzel, also vom Reformhaus oder Bioladen. Da gibt es eins welches so aussieht wie dein selbstgemachtes welches wir gerne auf brot essen mit honig oben drauf 🙂 es is zwar flüssig aber man kann ja n löffel nehmen 🙂 Aber dann gibt es da noch eine Mandelcreme! Die is einfach das beste!!! Konsistenz wher cremig und gut streichbar und da ist schon honig drin dadurch ist es ein bisschen süß ❤ natürlich is der Preis einfach viel zu teuer!! Desshalb werde ich ein Almond Butter Rezept nehmen und etwas honig mit rein machen dann schmeckt es hoffentlich wie die Mandelcreme :)))


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