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Curry Tamago Kake Gohan – A simple yet tasty dish

February 17, 2011

Hello everyone 😀

Today I want to share with you one of my most favourite dishes: It’s the japanese Tamago Kake Gohan (TKG) which means something like “egg sauce over rice” whereas the egg is actually still raw, so make sure the egg you are using is very fresh due to the salmonellae!

In Japan it’s a very common dish and often eaten for breakfast. It isn’t only healthy, but also so cheap and easy to prepare. Basically, you just need an egg, some hot rice (leftover rice works also after reheating it) and a bit soy sauce to prepare Tamago Kake Gohan, but this is just the most simple variation. In fact, you can add anything you like in your rice bowl (such as meat or veggies) so your meal is even getting more nutritious and that is exactly why I love it so much, because it’s the same thing with my porridge obsession ^^ You have some basic ingredients and just by adding something new to it, makes it turn into a total different dish with another flavor 🙂

Although, the Japanese usually eat it for breakfast, I personally prefer eating it for lunch, because I rather don’t like the taste of raw eggs right in the morning. There is also the possibility to only use the yolk in order for it to become creamier or you can even use more eggs, but keep in your mind that it is gonna be very slimy then.

In my recipe, I used only 1 egg for 2 cups of rice, but according to the original recipe you would be actually using 2 eggs, but I don’t like it to be too soggy. In addition to that, I added some curry powder and dried chives as well, but feel free to experiment with your favorite ingredients 😉


That's what it looks like when it's finished

Ingredients: (for 1 person)

2 cups white hot rice       (reheat leftover rice for about 3 mins)

1 large egg

4 tbsp soy sauce

1 full tsp curry powder

some dried chives


  1. Put the hot rice into a large bowl and form a hole in the middle of rice.
  2. Crack the egg in that hole, add soy sauce, curry powder and dried chives.
  3. Stir well.
  4. Let it stand for about 1-2 mins, then it’s ready to be eaten ^^

My Curry TKG

All recipes are on Petitchef

10 Comments leave one →
  1. February 18, 2011 9:10 pm

    Danke für dein Rezept-Tipp. Freue mich natürlich immer über neue Rezepte 🙂
    Und dieses werde ich demnächst bestimmt auch mal nachkochen ^-^

    Bin auch gespannt was du demnächst noch so alles posten wirst.

  2. timo stuhlsatz permalink
    February 20, 2011 5:03 pm

    haha aber rohes ei
    hmm ist iwie nicht so gesund gibst da ne alternative?

  3. February 24, 2011 5:31 pm

    das ist mal eine Gute Idee^^

  4. January 19, 2012 2:36 pm

    Der Blogeintrag ist zwar schon fast ein Jahr alt … aber ich glaube das werde ich bei Gelegenheit mal probieren müssen! ö_ö

  5. July 1, 2013 12:32 pm

    Hello, after reading this awesome post i am as well glad to share my know-how here with friends.

  6. April 16, 2011 1:31 pm

    Thank you for your backlink, that is very kind. I will give my best to keep writing interesting posts 😉


  1. Curry Tamago Kake Gohan – A simple yet tasty dish | Food Frenzy
  2. Interesting Facts

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