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Easter Menu Main course 2: Vanilla & Cinnamon Chicken Fricassee

April 27, 2011

This dish is actually not the second choice of the main course but was rather dedicated to be frozen for our former neighbors so that they can have a quick, warm meal when they don’t feel like cooking.

I know, this dish rather reminds you of Christmas, doesn’t it? But never mind! It’s only the taste that counts, right? 🙂 And honestly, vanilla and cinnamon are just meant to be combined since they give that simple dish such great flavor. Simply give me a plate of this fricassee with some rice for lunch and I will be totally satisfied, not only physically but also in my mind 😀

And if you want more recipes of this year’s Easter Menu then click HERE. 

Ingredients: (for 1 big pot)

1,5 kg chicken breast fillet (about 9 pieces)

1 diced onion

750 ml chicken broth

2 tbsp fried onions

1 tbsp cinnamon

3 tbsp vanillin sugar

200 gr milk

400 gr cream

4 tsp salt

600 gr frozen vegetables (I used peas, carrots and corn)

sauce thickener


  1. Cut the chicken breasts into cubes.
  2. Combine chicken broth, milk, cream, diced and fried onions, cinnamon, sugar and salt in a big pot and bring everything to boil.
  3. Add the meat cubes to the pot, bring to boil again and let it cook for approximately 10 mins.
  4. Next, add your frozen vegetables, bring to boil one more time and cook for 10 more mins.
  5. Finally, use some sauce thickener to get the desired consistency.

Ready to be frozen

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